Why do we do what we do?

… because people are more important than buildings.

We spend more than 90% of our lives indoors, but since we’re so used to it, we can miss or forget the impact good, and bad buildings, can have on our quality of life.

We’ve all felt that certain lift when we go into a well-designed and comfortably maintained space. We’ve also felt how stuffy, hot or uncomfortable spaces can distract and sap our focus, energy and motivation.

Research by Harvard University, and others, consistently shows that people performance, productivity and wellbeing is significantly impacted by the quality of our indoors spaces.

At LCMB we help our clients deliver and operate buildings and workplaces that help their people and organisations thrive.

Cutting costs at the expense of wellbeing?

Too often companies can focus on reducing building or maintenance costs, ignoring the impact on people performance, productivity and well-being. When you consider that people costs can be between 12 and 200 times the capital and operational costs of a building over its lifetime, it makes sense to optimise our buildings to allow people to perform at their best.

We say, cut costs and improve wellbeing.

My team and I have spent our working lives designing, constructing and operating buildings. We know that great buildings and space do not have to cost more to build and operate.

Our approach is to work out, in collaboration with our clients and their people using our original research and experience what will enable this peak performance in their existing and new buildings. Employee and customer experiences improves, and this feeds into improved performance.

Once these optimum conditions are defined, the costs and energy used to maintain them can be minimised.

Our approach makes a difference for our clients, their people, and their customers by creating more great places to work or have their needs met.

This is why, we do what we do.

Find out more

If you’d like to explore how to use your buildings and workplaces to improve your employee experience, and help your organisation thrive contact me on t: 01295 722823 or e: [email protected] for a chat.

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