Workplace checklist

COVID-19 Secure Workplace Checklist

Are you unsure exactly what is required to deliver a COVID-19 Secure Workplace? This free checklist includes everything necessary to carry out a risk assessment. From the basic signage, hand sanitizer stations and one-way-systems to more detailed, behind the scenes yet essential requirements for employee and visitor health.

Workplace checklist

Is your workplace COVID-19 secure for your staff and visitors?

According to a study by the Resolution Foundation think tank, over a third of workers are concerned about catching COVID-19 at work. 

Here at LCMB we specialise in helping Facilities Managers and Directors of Estates remain compliant with regulations and maximise employee health and wellbeing. By carrying out a risk assessment based on our comprehensive COVID-19 checklist and implementing everything possible, you can help ensure that your people and your organisation are as safe as possible from the virus now and into the future.

COVID-19 Safe Workplaces

Workplace checklist

Is your workplace COVID-19 protected for your staff and visitors?

Our comprehensive COVID-19 checklist will help your organisation to thrive, survive and succeed. 

It guides you through the risk assessment highlighting what your workplaces need, from basic signage, hand sanitizer stations and one-way-systems to more detailed, behind the scenes yet essential requirements for employee and visitor health. 

Implementing everything required helps your organisation to become healthier, higher performing and more productive. 

Download our free copy below or request a call back.


Download a copy of our COVID-19 checklist

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Want to know more about how we can keep your workplace, staff and visitors COVID-19 protected?

Developed primarily to help organisations keep on top of current regulations, and prepare for your post COVID-19 world, our new COVID-19 Secure Working service provides a comprehensive strategy for individual organisations. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach but a very tailored one, because not all workplaces, buildings and estates are the same. 

If you would like to find out more about how LCMB can help you develop COVID-19 Secure working please contact us.

Making your workplace COVID-19 Safe

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Is Your Workplace COVID-19 Safe?


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