2018 mid-year review - your half-time estates checklist

2018 mid-year review – your half-time estates checklist

Now is a great time to pause and reflect – are you getting the best from your organisation’s investment in your workplaces, buildings and estates?

Our 12-point estates checklist provides a quick mid-year litmus test for your estate (and comes as part of our free guides for businesses and education). For each question, score yourself on a scale of one to five by feel, intuition, or hard metrics if you have them to hand.

Your scores should help you shed light on how to improve your performance, impact, efficiency and costs in the second half of the year.

12 point checkist

  • Our buildings improve our competitive advantage, support our strategy and help us become more successful.
  • Our buildings improve our customer experience.
  • Our building space and environment enable our staff to perform at their optimum level.
  • We achieve all our cost and energy efficiency targets.
  • We have a comprehensive risk management plan which is updated annually.
  • Our estates are configured to adapt quickly to rapidly changing demands.
  • Our estates space is used optimally – there are no underused or overused spaces.
  • Our buildings are compliant with all statutory technical compliance requirements, which we can evidence
  • Our buildings are environmentally sustainable and help us to deliver our sustainability and corporate social responsibility goals
  • We get regular feedback from our customers, staff and other stakeholders that informs our actions.
  • Our estates staff and supply chain are engaged and feel part of our business’s mission and vision.
  • For every score of 4 or less, we have a prioritised improvement plan in place

Once you’ve been through this checklist, we suggest you set aside 15 minutes to quickly scan the framework outlined in our free Ultimate Guides for Businesses and Education to get a sense of what are the right changes for your organisation.

Then spend 40 minutes on a deeper dive, to understand the specific actions you can take that will improve your businesses performance.

For further information on how to improve the performance of your organisation and real estate download our ultimate guides for businesses, and higher education organisations or please do not hesitate to contact the LCMB team or by calling 01295 722 823.

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